American Community Survey
The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year. The ACS provides:
- Estimates of demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics every year, not just every ten years
- Estimates for all states, counties, townships, incorporated places, tribal areas, census tracts, and census block groups
Demographic characteristics
- Age by Sex (Total population)
- Median age by sex, race, and Hispanic origin
- Hispanic or Latino origin
Economic characteristics
Health Insurance
- Households and families
- Individual
Labor Force Status
- Employment status by age and veteran status
- Employment status by educational attainment
- Unemployment rates
- Poverty by race and Hispanic or Latino origin
- Poverty rates for Iowa counties
- Poverty status by age and sex
Social characteristics
- Sex by age by nativity and citizenship status
- Year of entry by nativity and citizenship status
- Nativity and citizenship status by race and Hispanic or Latino origin
Computer and internet
- Median earnings by disability status by sex
- Sex by age by disability status
- Sex by age by vision difficulty
Educational attainment
- Place of birth by educational attainment
- Population with a high school degree and Bachelor's degree or higher
- Employment status by educational attainment
- Sex by educational attainment
Grandparents as caregivers
Household and family type, size, and relationship
- Coupled households by type
- Household size by vehicles available
- Household type by relationship
- Own children under 18 years of age by family type and age
Language spoken at home
Migration (previous residence)
- Migration by age
- Migration by citizenship status
- Migration by race and Hispanic origin
- Migration by sex
- County to county migration
Place of birth
- Place of birth for the foreign-born population
- Place of birth by age
- Place of birth by educational attainment
- Place of birth by individual income
- Place of birth by language spoken at home
- Place of birth by poverty status
- Place of birth by race and Hispanic or Latino origin
- Place of birth by year of entry and citizenship status
Veteran status
- Employment status by age and veteran status
- Median income by veteran status by sex
- Period of military service
Housing characteristics
Household type and size
Occupancy and vacancy status
Owner costs
- Median monthly housing costs
- Median selected monthly owner costs by mortgage status
- Median selected monthly owner costs as a percentage of household income
- Mortgage status by selected monthly owner costs as a percentage of household income
- Tenure by housing costs as a percentage of household income
Renter statistics
Rooms and bedrooms
Tenure (Owner/Renter occupied units)
- Tenure by household type and presence and age of own children
- Tenure by units in structure
- Tenure by year structure built
- Total population by tenure
- Total population in occupied housing units by tenure by units in structure
Units in structure
- Tenure by year structure built
- Total population in occupied housing units by tenure by units in structure